
项目中使用的工具物品 硬件 Arduino Uno - R3 LCD液晶屏套件16x2字符显示 Analog 气体传感器(MQ2) 40针公插头 10 个 USB A/Micro 线束 - 2m 10...


项目简介 自动驾驶汽车开始统治世界。所以让我们试着做我们自己的赛车!



Rafavi 便携式导航信号模拟、采集、回放及测试设备

便携式导航信号采集及测试设备    可以完成30MHz~3.6GHz模拟信号的采集和存储回放,可以模拟仿真BDS、GPS、GLONASS和GALILEO多频点干扰信号和欺诈信号,主要用于GNSS 设备与应用测试、汽车自动驾驶测试、导航干扰测试、导航欺诈测试等领域。


便携式导航信号采集及测试设备    可以完成30MHz~3.6GHz模拟信号的采集和存储回放,可以模拟仿真BDS、GPS、GLONASS和GALILEO多频点干扰信号和欺诈信号,主要用于GNSS 设备与应用测试、汽车自动驾驶测试、导航干扰测试、导航欺诈测试等领域。

Matlab Bluetooth Toolbox 仿真、分析和测试蓝牙通信系统

MathWorks Bluetooth® Toolbox 提供基于标准的工具来设计、仿真和验证蓝牙通信系统。它支持测试波形生成、黄金参考验证和蓝牙网络建模。 借助该工具箱,您可以配置、仿真和分析端到端蓝牙通信链路。您可以创建和重用测试平台以验证您的设计、原型和实现是否符合蓝牙标准,包括低功耗蓝牙 (LE) 和蓝牙经典标准。您还可以通过对蓝牙协议栈的多个层进行建模来评估共存、干扰、定位和 LE 音频方案。



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便携式导航信号采集及测试设备    可以完成30MHz~3.6GHz模拟信号的采集和存储回放,可以模拟仿真BDS、GPS、GLONASS和GALILEO多频点干扰信号和欺诈信号,主要用于GNSS 设备与应用测试、汽车自动驾驶测试、导航干扰测试、导航欺诈测试等领域。


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  •  DASIA 2021 on line edition will be held in the period of September 21st – 23 rd 2021

  • New (July 7th 2021) read the Dasia 2021:
    Presentation framework

  • Request the Dasia registration form and more information at: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

  Sep 21st 2021 Room A
08:45 Check in -Guided by the conference tool
09:15 Dasia 2021 Opening

09:30 OPS-SAT in orbit -a technical rundown of this open experimentaon plaorm -
Presenter: Dominik Marszk -IMS Space Consultancy GmbH, Germany
10:00 SPACEAPPS -an OPS-SAT experiment -Presenter: Hans Juergen Herpel -Airbus
Defence and Space, Germany
10:30 GMVISION: co-processor for complex vision-based autonomous navigaon in space -Presenter: Dragos Gogu, GMV Innovang Soluons SRL, Romania
11:00 Presentaon Break
11:30 High Performance Data Processor (HPDP) – A New Generaon Space Processor in Demonstraon -Presenters: Constann Papadas -Integrated Systems Development SA (ISD SA), Greece & Tim Helfers -Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Germany
12:00 Expandable cots based OBC architecture with mass memory capabilies -
Presenter: Jochen Rust, DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH, Germany

12:30 13:00 Compute Intensive Rad Tol Microprocessors Space Qualificaon. Case studies: Methodology & Results on two PowerArchitecture. based devices -Presenter: Thomas Guillemain -Teledyne e2v Semiconductors, France Presentaon Break
14:00 Space Grade Quad ARM. Cortex. A72 1.8GHz Rad Tol soluons: Space Qualificaon, Radiaon performances in standalone & packaged version with High Speed DDR4 -Presenter: Thomas Guillemain -Teledyne e2v Semiconductors, France
14:30 Microchip Rad Hard ARM SoC, MPU & MCU mixed signal soluons for space -Presenter: Nicolas Ganry -Microchip Aerospace & Defense, France
15:00 Microchip Technology Enables System Soluons for Space Applicaons -Presenter: Nicolas Ganry -Microchip Aerospace & Defense, France
15:30 Presentaon Break

16:00 Radiaon hardened high-performance fpga comparison and benchmarking methodology -Presenter: Rubén Domingo Torrijos – GMV, Spain
16:30 3D Plus TMR NOR SPI modules as FPGA configuraon memory
-Presenter: Charles Sellier, 3D Plus, France
17:00 Evaluaon and validaon of European rad-hard Ng-Medium FPGA and its complementary SW tools -Presenter: Yanitsa Stoyanova -Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Germany
17:30 DAHLIA & NG-ULTRA, a very high performance system on chip for space applicaons -Presenter: Jean-Luc Poupat -Airbus Defence and Space SAS, France

  Sep 21st 2021 Room B
08:45 Check in -Guided by the conference tool
09:15 Dasia 2021 Opening

09:30 Compact Impedance Matched Connectors for SpaceWire Links MicroMach. -Presenter: Stéphane Hermant, Axon’ Cable France
10:00 SpaceFibre – An Update -Presenter: Steve Parkes, STAR-Dundee, United Kingdom
10:30 Tesng SpaceFibre Interfaces and Systems -Presenters: Steve Parkes and Dave Gibson, STAR-Dundee, United Kingdom
11:00 Presentaon Break
Aerospace-grade photonic transmission components for mul-gigabit digital and 11:30
“rf-over-fibre” opcal links -Presenter: Davinder Basuita, Glenair, United Kingdom

12:00 12:30 Time-Triggered Equipment for Gateway -Design/Progress/Development Plan & Inial Test Results -Presenter: Mahias M.ke-Kail, TTTech Computertechnik AG, Austria Fault-Tolerant Compung Plaorm Enabled by Time-Triggered Ethernet -Presenters: Mahias M.ke-Kail, TTTech Computertechnik AG, Austria
13:00 Presentaon Break
14:00 Opportunity for High Throughput Networking Technologies for Next Generation SatelliteOn-Board Networks -Presenter: Pierre-Julien Chaine, Airbus Defence & Space France

14:30 Distributed CFDP for High-Rate Data Downlink -Presenter: Felix Flentge, ESA/ESOC – Germany
15:00 Evoluon of board/ground protocol stack – new protocols -Presenter: Brice Dellandrea – Thales Alenia Space, France
15:30 Presentation Break

16:00 Using formal methods to pre-qualify space-profile RTEMS -
Presenter: Andrew Buerfield, Lero @ Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
16:30 Sources of False Posives in Dynamic and Stac Analysis and Counter Measures -Presenter Ralf Gerlich, BSSE, Germany
17:00 MC/DC for Space: How to pragmacally comply with the MC/DC structural coverage requirement in space soware -Presenters: Andoni Arregui, Thomas Wucher – GTD GmbH, Germany

  Sep 22nd 2021 Room A
08:45 Check in
. Guided by the conference tool
09:15 Keynote Panel Session on the theme AI/Robocs/Rovers and sensors
11:15 Presentaon Break

11:45 High-Performance Compute Board. COTS Acceleraon for Earth Observaon Applicaons -Presenter: Joaquin Espana Navarro -Cobham Gaisler AB, Sweden
12:15 Design and Implementaon of On-Board Ship Detecon Algorithms using New Space Technologies -Presenter: Jamin Naghmouchi -Innovaonsgesellscha. TU Braunschweig mbH, Germany
13:00 Presentaon Break
14:00 Preparing next generaon FPGA Data Compressor in the frame of Hi-SIDE. High-Speed Integrated Satellite Data Systems for Leading EU Industry -Presenter: Jean-Luc Poupat -Airbus Defence and Space SAS, France
14:30 Modular and Interoperable Advanced Data Handling Architecture (ADHA) for Earth Observaon (EO) Satellites -Presenter: Dario Pascucci-Thales Alenia Space Italy
15:00 Advanced data handling architecture for EO satellites -Presenter: Julian Bozler-Airbus Defence & Space GmbH, Germany
15:30 Presentaon Break
16:00 Parallel lossless and near-lossless Compression for Mulspectral and Hyperspectral Images Implementaon and banchmarks on space Mulcore architectures: -Presenter: Cosmin Stanciu -ENEA Romania

16:30 De-RISC: Dependable Real-time RISC-V Infrastructure for Safety-critical Space andAvionics Computer Systems -Presenter: Paco Gómez Molinero -fentISS, Spain
17:00 LEON5 and NOEL-V – Next Generaon SPARC and Introducon of RISC-V Processor Models for Space Applicaons -Presenter: Magnus Hjort -Cobham Gaisler AB, Sweden

  Sep 22nd 2021 Room B
08:45 Check in
. Guided by the conference tool

09:30 Approach for modularizaon and standardizaon of products -
Presenter: Patrik Sandin -RUAG Space AB, Sweden
10:00 Implemenng an Execuve Plaorm Soware for Payloads in the space domain
-Presenter: Guillaume Pacini, CS Group, France
10:30 Reference design and basic soware for a single board computer based on GR740 -Presenter: Anandhavel Sakthivel -Cobham Gaisler AB, Sweden
11:00 Presentaon Break
11:30 The impact of open standards on next generaon data handling systems -Presenter: Ran Qedar – SpiN, Germany

12:00 RISC-V Implementaon or non-intrusive crical on-board soware instrumentaon -Presenter: Ivan Gamino, University of Alcalá, Spain

12:30 LeonViP-MC: a LEON4 mulcore virtual plaorm with fault-injecon capabilies for space soware design and verificaon -Presenter: Jonatan Sánchez, University of Alcalá, Spain
13:00 Presentaon Break

14:00 Determinisc spacewire -Presenter: Barthélémy Aanasio, Thales Alenia Space, France
14:30 From Model-Based Avionics to Protocol Simulaons (OSRA-ION) -Presenter: Barthélémy Aanasio, Thales Alenia Space, France


Invitation to DASIA 2021on line edition
DASIA 2021 Essentials
The 25th version of the European aerospace conference DASIA (DAta Systems In Aerospace ) organized by Eurospace will be executed in the 3-day period from the 21st to the 23rd of September 2021, Tuesday to Thursday.
DASIA 2021 will be virtual.
Presentation abstracts of MINIMUM 2 pages shall be available latest 1st of June 2021 via 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.
This document plus futher conference information will be available at eurospace.org. Here you will also find information on the registration for the conference.
DASIA 2021 Scope
DASIA is about data systems, and in this context the presentation of achievements, new ideas and proposed projects, about related questions and answers, exchange of ideas, and business. It embraces technical and managerial aspects of development, operation and maintenance of data-handling related components and systems. It encompasses hardware and software for space and aircraft systems or systems for other sectors sharing similar complexity and requirements for high reliability. Cross-domain topics and participation have a high priority at DASIA, with other domains including e. g. transport, communications, navigation, energy, remote sensing, robotics, and automation. A listing of example conference topics is inserted at the end of this document.
DASIA 2021 Format and Procedures
Participation to DASIA may take several forms
. Presentation of papers of 30 min. duration incl. Q&A in sessions with 3 related presentations. There are two parallel tracks. The sessions are composed according to the topics of selected papers from an open Call for Presentation Abstracts. Presenters will early June 2021 be informed about the selection result and the position of the presentation(s) in the program. The final program will be forwarded and available at Eurospace.org shortly thereafter.
The abstracts must contain name and contact info of author(s) and presenter(s) and any conditions related to the presentation of the paper(s). Abstracts or preferably the final papers plus preferably the presentations will be available in the Eurospace web-archive after the conference. The archive will be open to all participants with a password that may be passed further on by any of the participants and Eurospace.
. Open Panel sessions in the format first time executed in Oxford at DASIA 2018. Theme introduction and viewpoint presentations by panellists are here limited to few presentations of about 10 minutes duration thus allowing for discussions involving panel partipants and audience.
Suggestions for the Open Panel topics and participation are invited asap.

--Exhibition of products and services for different vendors. These are announced in the program.
Examples of DASIA 2021 Conference Themes
Development and integration issues
Software Engineering: Lifecycle Phases Engineering: Lifecycle Phases Methods and Tools: Requirements, design, coding, integration and test Case Tools Coding Languages Design Methods Prototyping In circuit testing Simulation Reverse Engineering Process Modeling ASIC design methods and tools CAD Reuse COTS/OTS Checkout
Architectures, subsystems, components and related themes
Real time aspects and Runtime Kernels Data Handling Systems / Architectures: Processors, Bus systems, memories, etc. Performance Reliability Security Distribution Autonomy High Speed, high performance support Fault Tolerance System Communication facilities Command and Telemetry facilities AOCS, sensors, propulsion systems Launchers
Applications and Operations
Satellite Operations On-board and On-Ground segments for Satellite and Manned Space Systems Small Satellites, Micro-satellites and Constellations Guidance, Navigation and Control Image and Signal Processing Earth Observation/Remote Sensing/GIS Remote sensing application: Meteorology, forestry, agriculture, etc. Robotics and AI Communications Energy Defence Transportation: Trains, ships, aircraft Marine and submarine applications Traffic
Microchip(eurospace.org):DASIA 2021


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